Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jodi is the QUEEN of the WORLD!!

Did you see Jodi in the News Journal last week?? If not this is why: click HERE. Jodi can your life be any more perfect?? Sighh!! Jodi can you take a friend?? Me?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Deep Thoughts and Tomatoes!

I have been giving it a lot of thought and have decided to move our meeting to the 3rd of September at 12:30 at my house. I hope it will not be a problem with your schedules. It will be potluck. Please bring the recipe to share. Baby sitting will still be at Gillespee Hall. Bring lots of ideas for our meetings. Hope to see you there. We will all enjoy catching up on each others lives.

The reason for changing the meeting. I have noticed in past years that often it starts getting a little colder in the latter part of the month of September. We originally had it scheduled for the 17th--that might be too cool to be outside. On the other hand it might be just right, you never know about the weather. Just to play it safe we will have it on the 3rd.

Remember tomato slicing on the 10th of September at the Search & Rescue building. The way to get to the building is to travel west on Forrest street, cross over the tracks, turn left at first street. The building is the second one on the left. Come between 9:00-11:00


Fun times!!

Ooooooo this looks FUN!!