Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Home!

Did you hear the Temples home was announced? Across from the tabernacle!! Fun!

November 5th!

Box Elder Homemaker's meeting will be held on Thursday, November 5th at 12:30. We will be meeting at Gillespee Hall.

Presenter will be Kiersten Wilson. She will be talking about the beauty within each of us and how to achieve that beauty. Kiersten is a former model. She will share the lessons she learned from the runways of New York City to the roles of mother & wife. Kiersten recieved her bachelor degree in psychology from Utah State University and works for the USU Brigham City Regional Campus as Development Officer and events coordinator.

A nursery will be provided for $1.00 per child

Dues are $10.00 a year or $2.00 per meeting

We will be doing a service project for the High School. The PTA is trying to have emergency supplies in each class room. For our next two meetings we are asking the members to bring items for the emergency kits. They are in need of bottled water, space blankets, metal whistle, 4 oz hand sanitizer, small roll of duct tape or rolls of toilet paper (dissolving or 1 ply)

If you have questions please contact Beth Allen 723-8406 or reply to this email.

A day for Women!

This is a reminder about the Woman's Forum. There is more information in the Box Elder News Journal.

There will be a Women's Forum held at Utah State University Brigham City on Saturday, November 7th. It is from 8:30-2:30. The cost is $15.00 which includes lunch. The keynote speaker is Jill Stevens Shepherd. The workshops include: Improve your image; What we need to know about HINI; Taking the mystery out of retirement planning; How to enjoy & plan family reunions; Stepfamilies-making it work ;Get a grip on your food dollar; Jewerly making; The beauty within us; Last minute breakfast & holiday muffins; How to hug a porcupine; Holiday scrap'n; Decorating with color. You can register online or you can call Joan Bell at the hospital 435-734-4190 If you have questions call Beth Allen, Lynda Wallentine or Stacy Jardine we are all on the committee

This Years Meetings

Our next meeting will be on Thursday November 5th. We are going to try to have our meetings the first Thursday of the month instead of the second Thursday to avoid kids being out of school for teacher conferences etc. We will have to have it the 2nd Thursday in April because of Easter vacation being the first Thursday.

Yearly Schedule

November 5th- Kierston Wilson- A former model in New York will talk about the beauty within each of us.

December 3rd- Christmas Luncheon at my house-come prepared to share a Christmas idea (decoration, tradition, gift idea etc.) If you don't have anything to share come any way and enjoy each other's company. A nursery will be at Gillespee Hall

January 7th-Woman's Health issues- Tawnya from Dr. Beard's office will be our speaker and will address questions we might have.

February 4th- A day of sharing- come share your favorite products, recipe, cleaning idea-whatever you want to share. Last year we did this. It was so much fun we decided to do it again

March 4th- Craft or Jill Grover???

April 8th- Annual Home Tour- nursery at Gillespee Hall

May 6th- Enjoying your teenagers- Kent Allen If you don't have teenagers I think you can get some great ideas for younger children as well. Hopefully; we as grandparents can also enjoy some ideas to help our grandchildren.

Monday, September 28, 2009

♥Pot Luck Luncheon♥

The luncheon to end all luncheons we all look forward to all summer was fabulous! Mostly because it was hosted by Beth in her beautiful backyard!!! THANKS SO MUCH BETH for your hospitality once again!

The food was DE-LISH!

The company SUPERB!!!

The photo opps PRICELESS!

Hiding Heather ↑

Laeotropic Lynda ↑ (look it up!)☺

Perky Penny ↑

Mind Boggling Beth ↑ (how does this woman do everything she does and do it all SO well?!!!)

Thanks everyone for coming and sharing your wonderful recipes and company! ♥

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Thanks to everyone who came and cut tomatoes for the Search and Rescue!!

These women are pros!

Loads of topics where discussed and look even a little tomato love!!

Sorry my pictures are so "off" I had the camera set to a weird setting!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thursday Sept. 3rd 12:30

Homemakers is this Thursday at my house 1084 E 200 N it will be at 12:30 Please bring a food item (salad,dessert, appetizer etc,) with the recipe/ Also bring ideas for next years meetings. If you read this message could you please send me an email telling me you recieved the message, otherwise I will be calling you to remind you. There should be a nursery.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jodi is the QUEEN of the WORLD!!

Did you see Jodi in the News Journal last week?? If not this is why: click HERE. Jodi can your life be any more perfect?? Sighh!! Jodi can you take a friend?? Me?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Deep Thoughts and Tomatoes!

I have been giving it a lot of thought and have decided to move our meeting to the 3rd of September at 12:30 at my house. I hope it will not be a problem with your schedules. It will be potluck. Please bring the recipe to share. Baby sitting will still be at Gillespee Hall. Bring lots of ideas for our meetings. Hope to see you there. We will all enjoy catching up on each others lives.

The reason for changing the meeting. I have noticed in past years that often it starts getting a little colder in the latter part of the month of September. We originally had it scheduled for the 17th--that might be too cool to be outside. On the other hand it might be just right, you never know about the weather. Just to play it safe we will have it on the 3rd.

Remember tomato slicing on the 10th of September at the Search & Rescue building. The way to get to the building is to travel west on Forrest street, cross over the tracks, turn left at first street. The building is the second one on the left. Come between 9:00-11:00


Fun times!!

Ooooooo this looks FUN!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fun Craft to make next year!!

There are so many cute CHEAP crafts on this site. I thought we could do one or two of them at our up coming meetings!!

Click on the green text!

Happy Summer!

Monday, July 20, 2009

End of Summer

I hope you are all having a fantastic summer. It is going way too fast! I wanted to remind you of a couple of dates so that you can get them on your calendar.

Tomato slicing for the Scuba burgers will be on September 10th from 9:00 until we are finished. This is a great fund raising event. The more that come the earlier we can finish. It is fun working together and catching up on each other's lives. Even if you can come for only a half hour that would be great. Come any time between 9:00-11:00 I will send you more information closer to the date.

We will have our first meeting for the new year on the 17th of September at 12:30 at my house. Babysitting will be at Gillespee Hall. Please bring a pot luck item with the recipe and some ideas for next year's meetings.

It will be fun to get together again.

Check our blog. Thanks to Heather & Jody for keeping it updated. I am a little computer illiterate so I need a little help in doing my part. Send in recipes, events, etc. to the blog. We need to keep it active.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I had some friends call and ask about their gas cards!! I called the woman in charge and she said they where turned in late (by her) and so they are late come'n they should be in your mail box ANY day now!! Thanks for helping w/ such a great cause!! Happy Summer! Heather

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jodi and the spa!!

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be pampered at a first class spa?? I'll never know but Jodi does!! Check out her blog and vote for her!! Click here

Friday, June 5, 2009

Linda Baugh

Linda was in the Box Elder News Journal this week for getting an award for being a FABULOUS person!! Good Job Linda!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yard Sail'n!!

Parade of Garage Sales Sat. May 30 in Mantua (just 5-10 min up the canyon from Brigham) 22 + homes all doing a yard sales on the same day same time. Grab your neighbors grab your family, and come on up. there will be maps of all the places to go at 45 S 200 W on Sat. It will be a lot of fun. We will have all kinds of stuff. Crafts/Jewelry/clothes. Something for everyone. Come take a look you dont want to miss this one!!!

I copied this off the KSL web site!! Looks like loads of fun! If anyone went to the Perry Sales...Let's pray this is just as fun!!! Happy Summer!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I think we have had some wonderful meetings this past year!! I am already putting my thinking cap on for next year's meetings. If any of you have ideas or suggestions please send them my way. I would like to line up September & October meetings soon. Last year for our September meeting we had a recipe sharing/ planning meeting in my back yard. Did you like that or should we just start the year off with a good speaker? I would love some feedback. Mark your calendars for tomato slicing for Thursday, September 10th starting at 9:00. The more that come the faster we can get done. It is a great money maker. Our next meeting will be on September 17th. I hope to hear from you about suggestions for meetings. Have a wonderful summer!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I love a good deal!! This weekend Perry is have'n a CITY WIDE YARD SALE!! Hours and Hours of cheap fun are in store!! Go to Perry this Saturday morning (8:00 am-Noon) and find a yard sale...and then grab a map and buy to your hearts content!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Special Olympics Pat on the Back!!

Do you want to volunteer but just don't have the time? Here is an easy way to help an AWESOME group in our community!! The Brigham City Special Olympics group is selling 20 dollar gift cards for 20.00 so you are out NO MONEY but the group gets to keep 4 dollars of each sale. I'll bring the info to THIS Thursday's meeting! You just bring your 20 bucks! :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jillie Willie

Jill Grover can't make it to our party but we can sure make it to hers!!

Ok were having a party!!
Come hang and find some Mothers Day goods!
Sat May 2nd 12:00-5:00 1137 Michelle Dr. Brigham City
Come check out the Jillie Willie new spring-summer line
and lots of other fun vendors
Info found here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every Girl needs a Day Out!!

Brook Walker will be the key note speaker at a "Girls Day Out" at the Peak this weekend. Lots of Classes and LUNCH for 15 bucks! Looks fun!! See the below links for info! Our own Jodi will be teaching about blogging!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Just wanted to let you know that Rose Trollinger, who was over the soup kitchen, passed away this morning. She was so appreciative of the knives and peelers we donated. Please keep her family in your thoughts & prayers. She was a wonderful person who will be greatly missed.

On another sad note I got a call from Jill Grover. She has to go to a Media shoot in New York the week we were expecting her to do our meeting. Hopefully we can get her to come next year.

We are so fortunate to have talented people in our group who can step in and teach us. Chris Bailey, Stacy Jardine & their sister Kathryn have agreed to share with us some fun things we can do at our family get togethers this summer. I am really looking forward to learning and getting ideas from them. Thanks for being willing to step in at the last minute. I know it will be a great meeting. I will see you on May 14th at 12:30.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fruit Basket!!

My friend Callie told me about this "thing" she signed up for. You get a basket full of fruit and veggies for 20.00 bucks and pick it up @ Mountain View Elementary parking lot every two weeks. I thought I'd give it a whirl and this is what happened!!

1 Pineapple 6 Mangos 10 Bananas 9 Pink Lady Apples 1 lb of Strawberries 1 lb Green Grapes 8 Tomatoes 1 bunch of Broccoli 3 Summer Squash 2 Cucumbers 2 heads Leafy Lettuce (at least I think it's the leafy kind) 8 Red Potatoes YUMMY!!!

They also have bread and this time they had Italian dinner packets!! Mmmm!!
Callie also did a step by step sign up helper here!! She is so kind to her "slower" friends!!
Bountiful Basket Step by Step
I am doing it by memory so be patient...
1. Click here.
2. Click on Log-In.
3. Set up a profile if you haven't already done so by clicking on "Proceed to Register" This is DIFFERENT than getting their weekly email newsletter/reminders.
4. Enter your information. Click on "Create Account"
5. Click on "Home" (it's underneath Log-In over on the left)
6. Click on "Produce Basket & Bread" (close to where you just clicked on Home)
7. Start shopping. You have to enter ALL the questions. The page will refresh after every question so it's a little annoying but the fruit and veggies are worth it.
8. Enter the quantity that you want and click "Add to cart"
9. When finished click on "Check Out". You'll have to scroll back up with a bit. It's on the left.
10. Review your order.
11. Agree to the terms--all of them.
12. Enter your payment information.
13. Submit it. Couple of notes:*You'll get a confirmation sent to you via email or you can print the page.*First time users will pay a ONE time $3 charge.*You have to pick it up on time, otherwise they donate the food to the local fire department.*Bring your own laundry basket, boxes, or bags to pick up your produce. *You do NOT get to pick what veggies/fruit that you get. It's presorted and you just show up on Saturday morning to pick it up.Good luck. If anyone has questions let me know. I will try to help the best I can :)Here is to eating healthy!
Thanks Callie
Happy Healthy Spring!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here is the recipe Elaine Merritt made for the March meeting

Blackberry Cheesecake Dessert

1 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons Karo syrup
3 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 1/2 cup water
Mix the cornstarch with 1/4 cup of cold water. Add 1 1/4 cup water with the sugar & Karo syrup in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add the cornstarch mixture and cook for 6 minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of Blackberry Fusions (a blend of Blackberry & Raspberry flavors) Jell-o. Dissolve. Cool slightly. Add berries. Blueberries or Raspberries are great. I used a combination of Black raspberries and blueberries for the meeting in March.

Torte crust: 1 cup flour, 2 Tablespoons sugar, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup chopped nuts. Mix well and press into 9" x 13" pan. Bake 10 minutes at 350. Let cool

(for the March meeting I used graham cracker squares for the crust)

Cheese mixture- Blend 16 oz. cream cheese, 2/3 cup sugar-Mix together. Add 8 oz cool whip. Spread this mixture on crust. Spoon berry mixture over this and top with Cool whip.

Monday, April 6, 2009

If you like the bread at Macaroni Grill here is a recipe that tastes similar

1 Tablespoon instant yeast
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Cup warm water
2 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons rosemary
1 Tablespoon oil

When I use instant yeast I just add it to the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add the liquid and knead for 5 to 10 minutes. Shape into two round balls. Flatten onto a greased cookie sheet. Let raise until double. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 Dip in olive oil & pepper-you can also add balsmic vinegar to the oil.
We would like to express our sympathy to Carol Holmes, one of our members, with the passing away of her husband, Bill. Our prayers & thoughts will be with Carol and her family

Friday, April 3, 2009

Home Tour Too!!

Never lose an opportunity of seeing
anything beautiful,
for beauty is God's handwriting.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Isn't it funny how Jodi and I were at the same place at the same time and saw things so differently! Awesome!

Happy Spring!


May meeting

I received a phone call this morning from Jill Grover. She would like to change the meeting to the 14th of May instead of the 7th. I hope that will work with all of you. Remember to meet at her house 860 E 700 S at 12:30 Nursery will still be at Gillespee Hall.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Home Tour 2009

Home #1~ Jen's

Home #2 ~ Allison's

Home #3

Home #4 ~ Heather's

They were all beautiful and we thank those who were so willing to share their incredible homes with us!!!