Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yard Sail'n!!

Parade of Garage Sales Sat. May 30 in Mantua (just 5-10 min up the canyon from Brigham) 22 + homes all doing a yard sales on the same day same time. Grab your neighbors grab your family, and come on up. there will be maps of all the places to go at 45 S 200 W on Sat. It will be a lot of fun. We will have all kinds of stuff. Crafts/Jewelry/clothes. Something for everyone. Come take a look you dont want to miss this one!!!

I copied this off the KSL web site!! Looks like loads of fun! If anyone went to the Perry Sales...Let's pray this is just as fun!!! Happy Summer!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I think we have had some wonderful meetings this past year!! I am already putting my thinking cap on for next year's meetings. If any of you have ideas or suggestions please send them my way. I would like to line up September & October meetings soon. Last year for our September meeting we had a recipe sharing/ planning meeting in my back yard. Did you like that or should we just start the year off with a good speaker? I would love some feedback. Mark your calendars for tomato slicing for Thursday, September 10th starting at 9:00. The more that come the faster we can get done. It is a great money maker. Our next meeting will be on September 17th. I hope to hear from you about suggestions for meetings. Have a wonderful summer!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I love a good deal!! This weekend Perry is have'n a CITY WIDE YARD SALE!! Hours and Hours of cheap fun are in store!! Go to Perry this Saturday morning (8:00 am-Noon) and find a yard sale...and then grab a map and buy to your hearts content!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Special Olympics Pat on the Back!!

Do you want to volunteer but just don't have the time? Here is an easy way to help an AWESOME group in our community!! The Brigham City Special Olympics group is selling 20 dollar gift cards for 20.00 so you are out NO MONEY but the group gets to keep 4 dollars of each sale. I'll bring the info to THIS Thursday's meeting! You just bring your 20 bucks! :)