Monday, September 28, 2009

♥Pot Luck Luncheon♥

The luncheon to end all luncheons we all look forward to all summer was fabulous! Mostly because it was hosted by Beth in her beautiful backyard!!! THANKS SO MUCH BETH for your hospitality once again!

The food was DE-LISH!

The company SUPERB!!!

The photo opps PRICELESS!

Hiding Heather ↑

Laeotropic Lynda ↑ (look it up!)☺

Perky Penny ↑

Mind Boggling Beth ↑ (how does this woman do everything she does and do it all SO well?!!!)

Thanks everyone for coming and sharing your wonderful recipes and company! ♥

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Thanks to everyone who came and cut tomatoes for the Search and Rescue!!

These women are pros!

Loads of topics where discussed and look even a little tomato love!!

Sorry my pictures are so "off" I had the camera set to a weird setting!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thursday Sept. 3rd 12:30

Homemakers is this Thursday at my house 1084 E 200 N it will be at 12:30 Please bring a food item (salad,dessert, appetizer etc,) with the recipe/ Also bring ideas for next years meetings. If you read this message could you please send me an email telling me you recieved the message, otherwise I will be calling you to remind you. There should be a nursery.
